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From our monthly newsletter to speaking engagements and publications, find it all here.  We hope you will be able to learn more about our organization as well as learn more about topics that can support your organization.

News: Welcome

Why Tech Needs a Chaplain

Nathan Schneider commissioned me to write a piece about how the tech industry could use a chaplain.

Conversation with a Tech Chaplain

Shamika Klassen spoke with Union Theological Seminary in the city of New York about her time there and how she developed tech chaplaincy....

Going Digital with Dignity

The University of Colorado Boulder College of Media, Communication, and Information Science interviewed doctoral student of Information...

Heaping Coals of Kindness

"I criticized 'tech chaplain' Shamika Goddard pretty snarkily here, and invited her to respond, promising her that I would post whatever...

News: Blog2
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